Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2020

2020 was a very difficult year for the Branch due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Training was limited and great precausions were taken both during instruction, practical sessions, and assessment for the particular awards. The Branch strictly abided to the health instructions issued by RLSS Commonwealth and the Malta Health Authorites.

Not withstanding all these difficulties, in 2020, the courses included the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM), private pool attendants, youth associations, Down Syndrome Association (DSA), police officers and individuals interested in learning life saving. The awards gained, though in small numbers, were the Junior Safety award, Life Saving 1, Life Support, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Award of Merit, Police Life Saving certificate, and the Basic Small/Domestic Pool Safety certificate. 35 award holders gained 54 awards and certificates. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Official Presentation of awards and certificates which is a major annual event for the Society could not be held in2020. The shield and trophy were not presented as in past years.

RLSS Activity 2020

RLSS Activity 2020

Past Presentation of Awards & Certificates

Last Updated: 12-Apr-22