Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2018

The official presentation of life saving wards and certificates for 2018 was held on the 9th December 2018 at St Patrick's School Sliema kindly made available for the occasion by Rev. Fr Eric Cachia, the Director of the School. The ceremony was presided upon by Mr Stephen Mallia, Assistant Commissioner of Police. 132 awards and certificates were distributed to 84 candidates. During the ceremony, the Mr Alfred Cauchi, President of RLSS Malta, read a short address sent for the occasion by Mr Clive Holland, Deputy President of RLSS Commonwealth.

RLSS Presentation 2018

The Shield for the highest number of points was presented to the Maritime Squadron AFM, whilst the 1st Regiment 'C' Company AFM received the Trophy as runners up.

RLSS Presentation 2018

RLSS Presentation 2018

Past Presentation of Awards & Certificates

Last Updated: 28-Feb-21