Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2013
On the 6th December 2013 a happy gathering of successful candidates accompanied by relatives and friends met at St Patrick's School Sliema for the official presentation of RLSS awards and certificates. The ceremony was presided upon by Capt. Jason Ebejer AFM, o/c of 1st. Regiment, 'C' Company Armed Forces of Malta (AFM). The 1st. Regiment AFM proudly received the Shield for being first in the annual competition.
The Trophy for the 'Lower Awards' was presented to the Tarxien Girl Guides. This year, as in recent years, a short Address by Clive Holland, Deputy Commonwealth President was read by Paul Ellul Bonici, the Malta President and was very well received. Also the 2013 ceremony was characterised by the presentation of a number of Commonwealth Honours, including the 'Commonwealth Vice President'.
Past Presentation of Awards & Certificates
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2018
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2017
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2016
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2015
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2014
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2012
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2011
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2010
- Presentation of Awards & Certificates 2009
Last Updated: 31-May-20